Tuesday, December 9, 2014

It's Simple

In reading through the ACM Code of Ethics and scriptures like Matthew 23 I came to the realization that the question of how we can act ethically has a simple answer.  There are many specific things that can define ethical behavior but when it comes down to it ethical behavior is simply being aware of others and being honest.  When we as employees and employers do what we said we'd do, say what should be said, and think about the broader impact of our work on the lives of all around us (including ourselves and our families) then we will be sure to act ethically.  When we lose sight of the broader framework of what we are doing we then start to act unethically.  This shortsightedness blinds us to the possible effects of our behavior on others and ourselves.  All we must do, then, to be ethical is to keep in our minds that we do not live in isolation and do what we know is right.

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