Tuesday, September 30, 2014

It's all connected

The LDS church has a great appreciation for technology and has taken full advantage of it.  In the Church technology can impact eternity in its ability to aid in family history work, missionary work, and providing resources to families and individuals in their efforts to learn about the Gospel.  I don't think we truly realize the spiritual impact technology has on our lives.  Whether enabling us to find deceased persons that can benefit from the ordinances of the Gospel or just burning time on the internet, our use of technology has eternal significance.  Technology has ruined the lives of some and can interfere in our relationships with others.  Those addicted to pornography grapple with the ease of access technology provides and also teeter on the brink of spiritual bankruptcy.  Even something as simple as surfing the internet can take time away from those things that matter most.  Thinking of technology like this prompts me to consider how I use it and what I am getting out of it spiritually.

1 comment:

  1. I think technology has an impact in every aspect of our lives. I definitely see how it can affect us spiritually but it can also affect us physically as well. There are apps that help us be healthy but most are just time wasting and take away time for exercise.
