Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Shovel Tooth Rebellion

So apparently as a Native American I have what is called "shovel teeth", a fact that I learned after my mother-in-law relayed the information to my wife.  What are these alleged shovel teeth?  Unfortunately this does not mean that I have tiny shovels for teeth, something that would be simultaneously awesome and disturbing, but that the back of the tooth has a little indent to it and isn't just straight.  Consider this somewhat nasty picture:

Now, I'm pretty proud of the fact that I have a bunch of tiny shovel-like objects inside my mouth since I feel like I can really chow down like a champ.  The better thing about this whole story is that I came up with a great band name from it: "The Shovel Tooth Rebellion."  I think it would be perfect for one an indie band or maybe even something like Mumford and Sons.  I'm so committed to this name that I've made a t-shirt with the band's first logo on it:
Look for an album coming out somethime within the next 50 years.  It could happen.

Friday, July 12, 2013


Often, things I say tend not to make any sense (kinda like that sentence).  Just ask Lindsey.  Anyways, at some point we were talking about old medicines or something like that and the idea of laudanum came about.  Now, seeing as how the only knowledge of ye olde medicine I have is wanting to live in the days where sarsaparilla was used medicinally, my mind made an interesting leap when I heard the word laudanum.  Despite something in my brain registering the idea that it was a nasty tasting thing taken orally, I could only think of Pokemon and how laudanum seemed like a perfectly good basis for a Pokemon name to me.  Now, I couldn't just steal a name straight up, that's very un-Pokemon-ly (see Spearow, Rattatta, Ekans, which shockingly is jsut snake spelled backwards, and my personal favorite, Seel) so I decided to spruce things up a little bit.  Stretching my mind to its utter limits I cleverly put the prefix "de-" in front of it and voila!  Instant Pokemon.  Not content to just come up with a fabulous name, I decided to draw my new Pokemon and thought that with such a name as Delaudanum, it would be slow and dumpy, kind of a Snorlax type.  After much thought and careful artwork, I came up with this:
The spelling in the drawing is different which is fine because it helps show that I didn't just steal the word laudanum.  But yeah, I think it's pretty good.  I may even send it out to the Pokemon team and my Pokemon can be in the newest game, Pokemon Unobtanium.  But first I just need to figure out its type and powers and everything...