Sunday, November 20, 2011


So, BYU has this honor code thingy right?  Yes, yes it does.  As part of that, it says,"If worn, moustaches should be neatly trimmed and may not extend beyond or below the corners of the mouth. Men are expected to be clean-shaven; beards are not acceptable."  Notice that mustaches aren't prohibited but they are regulated.  Now, before I went on my mission this whole mustache thing was not a problem for people still feared the public ridicule and creeping-out-ness that mustaches bring.  Not so now.  Apparently the game has changed because there are an appalling amount of people on campus sporting the nastiest mustaches around.  Picture someone stealing short hairs from another person's haircut then gluing that hair onto their upper lip.  That's kinda what some of these so called "mustaches" look like.  The Daily Universe even ran an article about how mustaches are cool and trendy these days though I have been informed by another source that they definitely aren't.  I tend to agree with the latter opinion because frankly a lot of these mustaches creep me out and make me sick to my stomach.  What is my solution?  I propose the creation of a "Mustache Board" that students have to appear before and get approval for their facial hair.  If it is too nasty, they have to shave it off but if it actually looks nice (which is about 1 in 1,000) they can keep it.  At least make these mustache growers do home study until their facial hair grows in enough that it doesn't look gross.  Cuz, if I'm going to see a mustache at BYU, it better be like the mustache sporters of yester-year.
Benjamin Cluff
George Brimhall


  1. Someone needs to talk Stephen Rogers into being Benjamin Cluff for Halloween. Totally could pull it off
